Monday, January 7, 2008

January 7, 2008

Yesterday was about 60 degrees and sunny, so we worked in the yard. We took down all the Christmas lights and decorations. I trimmed all the shrubs and blew the leaves off the yard. I got a real work out.

Speaking of that, this is the week that I start getting back to my personal fitness. It's back to the gym this week as well. I'll start with a walk today since it is going to be 70 degrees!

Last week our high was 30 - it's like living out west, well, not really.

I need to begin researching my next two books in earnest and get my act together.

We watched the movie Tombstone last night, probably for the 50th time or so. I must admit though, I have never seen this version! I have it on DVD, but there were four scenes I've never seen. Two were very significant, but the other two deserved to be on the editor's floor.

I wonder why I have never seen this version before...

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