Wednesday, January 23, 2008

January 23, 2008

Yesterday I worked on a last minute project that kept me at my desk "on call" which cramped by gym trip and pretty much everything else.

We went to the Carolina Hurricanes hockey game last night. It was fun, but we got our butts kicked. We decided to grab some dinner there. One area sells BBQ pork and smoked/fried turkey legs. Who decided that the odor (notice I didn't say aroma?) of smoked, greasy, turkey legs was a good idea? I was so sickened by the smell that all I ate was a soft pretzel and a Blue Moon (beer).

I managed to make the gym today and took a Pilates will hurt when I sneeze tomorrow. Hey, no pain, no again, right? I'd love to meet the genius who came up with that saying.

I got a call today from Tom in England and we caught up on our January activities. He was my producer for the Lost Worlds show, but we have become good friends. We are in the process of master-minding a new project. Stay tuned!

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