Thursday, February 21, 2008

February 21, 2008

Today is busy with work, but I did manage to read some from another book I am judging (last night). I hope to do that again tonight, but Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares and Lost is on tonight, so we will see.

We are going to LaPiazza for dinner again tonight - it's my friend's birthday celebration. I usually get the angel hair pasta with red clam sauce, but maybe I will try something new.

I did receive some book review copies that my publisher sent me. They were written in various papers, magazines, etc. They were all favorable, but some had what I thought were back-handed compliments. Like this one written by a history professor, "While more analysis would make this book more convincing, for most readers, its engaging stories and appealing tales should prove worthwhile." What does that mean? He thought it was so-so but to most of us non-scholarly types it's a good read. I guess he could have trashed it. Ah, the life of an author. My fav review ending is this, "The gunfight made Tombstone famous. Monahan makes Tombstone live."

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